PPIP SWM 2nd Workshop on Sanitary Landfill Site Selection and Transfer Station

The Project Preparation & Implementation Programme for Timor-Leste (PPIP) Key Expert for Solid Waste Management, Mr Jan Skajaa, and the National Key Expert for Solid Waste Management, Mr Fernandinho Noronha, conducted a follow-up workshop on 6 October 2022 to the workshop held on 3 June 2022 regarding the selection of sites for transfer stations and two regional sanitary landfills that are proposed to be established as part of the PPIP investment programme. The workshop was held at the Ministry of State Administration meeting room and was attended by representatives from all the municipalities of Timor Leste.

Before this workshop, Mr Jan Skajaa had recently conducted field visits from the 19 to 21  September to assess the 6 locations nominated by the Municipal Authorities for establishing the two future regional sanitary landfills on the east and south of Timor-Leste. Mr Jan Skajaa also conducted the necessary evaluation of the suitable sites.

The purpose of this workshop was to present the findings from the evaluations and to discuss and agree on the two most suitable landfill sites recommended by the consultant.

Based on strict site selection criteria, the evaluation indicates that the sites in Vemasse (Baucau) and Cassa (Ainaro) are the most suitable for developing the proposed regional sanitary landfills in the eastern and southern parts of the country. However, the consultant does note that there are challenges associated with the two recommended sites, namely the preparation works that include clearing thick forest and the establishment of a new access road with a river crossing for the site in Cassa, Ainaro.

During the workshop, a few municipalities suggested that there should be close coordination with the Department of Land and Property to ensure legal ownership of the two sites.

Concerning the site selections of the transfer stations, Mr Jan Skajaa explained that the site selection criteria are not as demanding as that of the sanitary landfills. However, some factors need to be considered, including that the site needs to be close to where the waste is generated with good accessibility and connected to a public road, but away from residential areas as much as possible. The transfer station can be at the current municipal waste dumpsites or established in new locations.

The National Key Expert for Solid Waste Management, Mr Fernandinho Noronha, commented that the primary purpose of the transfer station was to minimise as much as possible the waste collection and transport work, hence reducing the operational cost related to the management of the waste that is proposed to be covered by the state.

The workshop concluded by accepting the two recommended locations in Cassa (Ainaro) and Vemasse (Baucau) for developing the two Regional Sanitary Landfills proposed under the PPIP for the Eastern and Southern parts of Timor-Leste. This will be officially confirmed via the approval of the Minutes of the Meeting (MoM). It was also agreed that the required technical surveys of the two confirmed locations in Cassa and Vemasse should occur as soon as possible. This could be done simultaneously when the government officially secures the two sites. The Municipalities would also provide the PPIP consultant with the list of potential sites for the transfer stations, to which the consultant will carry out site observations and recommendations accordingly.

Workshop, 6th October 2022