Solid Waste Management Completes the Pre-Feasibility Phase

The Project Preparation and Identification Programme (PPIP) in Timor-Leste is making significant strides in identifying, assessing, and preparing various projects related to water, wastewater, stormwater, solid waste, and forestry. The recent completion of the Pre-Feasibility Study phase of the Solid Waste project marks another milestone in the country’s efforts towards sustainable waste management. This update highlights the key findings and progress made during the mission carried out by the key expert for solid waste management Jan Skaaja from April 23 to May 5, 2023. 

Mission Objectives and Composition 

During this mission, Jan Skajaa (Key Expert for Solid Waste Management) collaborated closely with the local expert Mr. Fernandinho Costa Corbafo Noronha and the rest of the team. The primary objectives were to secure and verify sites for regional sanitary landfills and other waste installations, engage with stakeholders through information activities, and initiate field work and waste audits. The mission report provides a comprehensive overview of the findings and outlines the next steps for the project. 


Integrated Municipal Solid Waste Management System 

One of the significant achievements of the mission was the identification of two sites for regional landfills: Suco Vermasse located in Baucau district, and Cassa, situated in Ainaro district. Local stakeholders, including municipal authorities, have verbally confirmed these proposed sites. However, it was emphasized that cultural and heritage considerations needed to be considered, particularly in Cassa. To address this concern, an agreement was reached with the local population to protect a cultural point of interest near the proposed landfill site. 

In Baucau, a meeting was conducted with representatives from the Baucau Municipal Administration and relevant organizations to finalize the location of the site in Suco Vemasse for the Eastern landfill. The site visit confirmed its suitability, and design work has been progressing based on topographical mapping received from the Municipal Planning Office (MPO). The process of obtaining formal documents to secure the land for landfill development is currently underway. 

The team has also been actively engaging with municipal administrations across Timor-Leste, disseminating the pre-feasibility study reports and discussing proposed investments. Meetings have taken place with the Cassa local authority, Bobonaro Municipal Authority, Administrative Post Assembly of Vemasse, Aileu Municipal Administration, Manatuto Municipal Administration, Lautém Municipal Administration, Viqueque Municipal Administration, Manufahi Municipal Administration, Covalima Municipal Administration, and Ainaro Municipal Administration. 

Furthermore, the team has identified the scope of work for essential environmental and social impact assessments (ESIA) studies for the waste installations.  

Next Steps and Mission 

Several key activities have been planned for the period between the current mission and the next one. These activities include securing landfills sites through formal documentation, finalizing agreements with the PMO GIS department for topographical surveys, identifying sub-suppliers for soil investigations, and continuing efforts to identify sites for transfer stations, Centralized Accumulation Centers (CACs), Deposit Return System (DRS) stations, and Health Care Risk Waste treatment facilities. 

Additionally, two workshops are planned to be conducted during the next mission. The first workshop will focus on the institutional structure for implementing PPIP investments, including the organization of the proposed deposit return system and discussions on tariffs and cost recovery. The second workshop will involve the Ministry of Health, SAMES, and referral hospital managements to address questions related to HCRW treatment facilities. 

As the project progresses towards its goals, the next mission for the solid waste management team is planned for 28th June – 7th July 2023. With continued efforts and collaboration between stakeholders, Timor-Leste is steadily moving forward in its pursuit of an efficient and sustainable solid waste management system.