PPIP-TL Travel to Timor-Leste COWI Project Director, Michael Jacobsen

The COWI Project Director, Michael Jacobsen completed an initial mission to Timor-Leste from the 16th March 2022 to 30th March 2022.

The objectives of the mission were to: (i) meet with key Project stakeholders including the promoter, potential beneficiaries, as well as development partners and potential local collaboration partners; (ii) have a dialogue with key stakeholders on the selected potential investment projects in the solid waste management, water supply and sanitation and forestry sectors, (iii) gain an understanding of field conditions through a field visit, and, (iv) review the project status and future planned activities with the Project Coordinator, Mr Kassius Klei Ximenes.

Michael Jacobsen says “I was honored to be able to meet the Vice Prime Minister/Minister of Planning and Territory, H.E. Mr Jose Maria dos Reis; Minister of State Administration, H.E. Mr Miguel Pereira de Carvalho; Minister of Agriculture and Fisheries, Mr Pedro dos Reis and the Vice Minister of Finance, Mr Antonio Freitas, as well as the President of Bee Timor-Leste and President of ANAS”. He also met Mr Severin Mellac from the European Union Delegation (EUD) and a number of other stakeholders. An important part of this mission was to also meet with the local COWI team and the PPIP Focal Point Mr Kassius Klei Ximenes in person rather than virtually.

The Project Director and team members conducted short field visits to the Municipalities of Liquica and Ermera where they saw first-hand the operational and maintenance issues in the water and sanitation sector.

The key mission findings include:


The meeting with the EUD made it clear that the EUD is supporting Governance and the Green Economy and that there is potential for close collaboration with the EIB in support to the Forestry sector.


The team is in a dialogue with the Government on the potential for an EIB co-funded intervention in the SWM sector seems clear: Support to a national (outside Dili) comprehensive municipal solid waste management system which collects at least two fractions (dry and wet) and is supported by a deposit refund system for certain types of packaging. Dili is already covered under a separate (ADB supported) project.


COWI’s Project Director noted that there are many development partners active in the Water Supply and Sanitation sector. Following a decision by the projects steering committee in February 2022, the team is in a dialogue with Bee T-L and the Government on the potential for EIB support to the planned water supply and sanitation projects in Aileu, Maliana, Suai, Gleno, Liquica and Ainaro.


The meetings related to forestry sector confirmed support by Government stakeholders to the decision taken at the 10 February 2022 Project Steering Committee meeting.

At the same time, the Minister of Agriculture and Fisheries emphasized the importance of irrigation dams for productive activities and employment.

The Mission notes that the EUD multi-annual indicative programme contains funding under the 2026 and 2027 Action Programs, which could line up with an EIB support (loan) to the sector

Meeting with the PPIP Focal Point Mr Kassius Klei Ximenes, 18th March 2022
Meeting with President of BTL, Mr Carlos Peloi dos Reis, 21st March 2022
Meeting with the President of ANAS, Dr Domingos Pinto, 21st March 2022
Meeting with the Vice Prime Minister/Minister of Planning and Territory, H.E. Mr Jose Maria dos Reis, 22nd March 2022.
Meeting with the Minister of State Administration, H.E. Mr Miguel Pereira de Carvalho, 24th March 2022
Field visit to Ermera, 25thMarch 2022
Meeting with the Vice Minister of Finance, H.E. Mr Antonio Freitas 29th March 2022