Timor-Leste Solid Waste Management – National Integrated Solid Waste Management

Stakeholder meeting on 12th of March 2024, Lead by:  Jan Skaaja, key expert for solid waste management

A comprehensive stakeholder meeting was convened as an essential step in the solid waste management projects. The meeting took place in Suco Vemasse (Baucau Municipality) and gathered key participants from local communities, including the Administrator of the Vemasse Administrative Post, the Director of the Planning Agency of Baucau Municipality, project coordinators, and citizens.

The agenda covered multiple aspects of the project, fostering an informative and collaborative atmosphere. During the meeting, Mr. Cosme Henrique da Costa Saldanha of Ministry of State Administration (MSA), along with other presenters, introduced the project and its goals, including a presentation on sanitary landfilling and the plans for the Vemasse landfill.

Key topics of discussion included the alignment of the sanitary landfill with the surrounding landscape, the potential generation of gas from the waste both currently and within the landfill, the cost-benefit ratio of the project, opportunities for local employment, and other associated benefits. Additionally, there were discussions about the protection of soil, water, and other environmental issues, underscoring the significance placed on sustainable and environmentally responsible waste management practices.

The general conclusion of the meeting was an overwhelming acceptance of the proposed project in general and acceptance of the location of the sanitary landfill in Vemasse in particular.

Participants at the Vemasse meeting on 12 March 2024
Participants at the Vemasse meeting on 12 March 2024
Baucau President Ms. Veneranda E.M. Lemos Martins at an introductory meeting on 11 March 2024.