4th Project Steering Committee Meeting

28th February 2023: Today, the Fourth Project Steering Committee (PSC) meeting of the European Union (EU) funded and European Investment Bank (EIB) managed Project Preparation and Implementation Programme (PPIP)1 was held at the Timor Plaza, Suai conference room.  

The meeting was opened by His Excellency the Vice Prime Minister and Minister of Planning and Territory, Eng Jose Maria dos Reis who mentioned the following “During the February 2022 Project Steering Committee meeting, the PSC responded to the recommendations and moved six project ideas to the project pre-feasibility stage. Now the Fourth PSC meeting will decide which of the six projects will move to the Project Feasibility stage.” He emphasised the role of the Ministry of Planning and Territorial Development as being one of facilitation and coordination among the sectors. 

The Ambassador to the European Union Delegation to Timor-Leste, Mr Marc Fiedrich, mentioned that “Globally the sectors tackled by PPIP fit the priorities of the EU, as they are all related to climate change mitigation and adaptation. In Timor Leste, we have our priority sectors and some of them are closely aligned with the proposals put forward today, for example, the agro-forestry sector. We’ll seek complementarities with our further agro-forestry project and the Technical and Vocational Education Training project on agro-forestry.”  

Mr Edvardas Bumsteinas, Head of Asia and Pacific Division, EIB commented that “The EIB regional representation in Suva, Fiji will have its official opening this week. This is intended to bring EIB closer to its Pacific clients. EIB is committed to the PPIP and is keen to progress with the feasibility studies and eventually process a formal request from the Government of Timor-Leste for funding of projects.” Mr Bumsteinas also highlighted the role of the EU Global Gateway to combine grant and loan funding for climate change. 

Mr Michael Jacobsen, COWI Project Director, summarised the results of the Fourth Project Steering Committee meeting where it was agreed that: 

  • Water Supply and Sanitation – PPIP team undertakes the role of IFI reviewer of the planned Detailed Engineering Designs (DED) of the Aileu, Gleno, Liquica and Ainaro, Maliana and Suai city clusters; 
  • Solid Waste Management – The proposed national integrated solid waste management project and the proposed healthcare risk waste management both proceed to the Feasibility Study phase; 
  • Agro-Forestry – The proposed “Expanding Tree Cover and Carbon Resources through Commercial Tree Tops” proceed to the Feasibility Study phase. 

Before this workshop, Mr Jan Skajaa had recently conducted field visits from the 19 to 21  September to assess the 6 locations nominated by the Municipal Authorities for establishing the two future regional sanitary landfills on the east and south of Timor-Leste. Mr Jan Skajaa also conducted the necessary evaluation of the suitable sites.

Participants in the 4th PSC meeting

The Fourth PSC meeting welcomed the presence of: H.E. Marc Fiedrich, Ambassador of the European Union to Timor-Leste, Mr Raoul Pedrazzani, Deputy Advisor, European Investment Bank (EIB) and Mr Benoit Cambier, Head of the Pacific Office, European Investment Bank (EIB), Mr Michael Jacobsen, COWI Project Director and the PPIP Team Leader, Mr Chris Manu. The meeting was chaired by H.E., the Vice Prime Minister and Minister of Planning and Territory, Eng Jose Maria dos Reis. The meeting was attended by H.E. Mr Rui Gomes, Minister of Finance;  H.E. Mr Abel Pires da Silva, Minister of Public Works; H.E. Mr Pedro does Reis, Minister of Agriculture and Fisheries; H.E. Mr Lino de Jesus Torrezao, Vice Minister of the Ministry of State Administration; Mr Edvardas Bumsteinas, Head of Asia and Pacific Division, EIB; as well as other representatives from the Government of Timor-Leste, the EIB, the EU, and the PPIP Consultant COWI. 

Photos from the 4rd PSC Meeting held on 28th February 2023

PPIP SWM 2nd Workshop on Sanitary Landfill Site Selection and Transfer Station

The Project Preparation & Implementation Programme for Timor-Leste (PPIP) Key Expert for Solid Waste Management, Mr Jan Skajaa, and the National Key Expert for Solid Waste Management, Mr Fernandinho Noronha, conducted a follow-up workshop on 6 October 2022 to the workshop held on 3 June 2022 regarding the selection of sites for transfer stations and two regional sanitary landfills that are proposed to be established as part of the PPIP investment programme. The workshop was held at the Ministry of State Administration meeting room and was attended by representatives from all the municipalities of Timor Leste.

Before this workshop, Mr Jan Skajaa had recently conducted field visits from the 19 to 21  September to assess the 6 locations nominated by the Municipal Authorities for establishing the two future regional sanitary landfills on the east and south of Timor-Leste. Mr Jan Skajaa also conducted the necessary evaluation of the suitable sites.

The purpose of this workshop was to present the findings from the evaluations and to discuss and agree on the two most suitable landfill sites recommended by the consultant.

Based on strict site selection criteria, the evaluation indicates that the sites in Vemasse (Baucau) and Cassa (Ainaro) are the most suitable for developing the proposed regional sanitary landfills in the eastern and southern parts of the country. However, the consultant does note that there are challenges associated with the two recommended sites, namely the preparation works that include clearing thick forest and the establishment of a new access road with a river crossing for the site in Cassa, Ainaro.

During the workshop, a few municipalities suggested that there should be close coordination with the Department of Land and Property to ensure legal ownership of the two sites.

Concerning the site selections of the transfer stations, Mr Jan Skajaa explained that the site selection criteria are not as demanding as that of the sanitary landfills. However, some factors need to be considered, including that the site needs to be close to where the waste is generated with good accessibility and connected to a public road, but away from residential areas as much as possible. The transfer station can be at the current municipal waste dumpsites or established in new locations.

The National Key Expert for Solid Waste Management, Mr Fernandinho Noronha, commented that the primary purpose of the transfer station was to minimise as much as possible the waste collection and transport work, hence reducing the operational cost related to the management of the waste that is proposed to be covered by the state.

The workshop concluded by accepting the two recommended locations in Cassa (Ainaro) and Vemasse (Baucau) for developing the two Regional Sanitary Landfills proposed under the PPIP for the Eastern and Southern parts of Timor-Leste. This will be officially confirmed via the approval of the Minutes of the Meeting (MoM). It was also agreed that the required technical surveys of the two confirmed locations in Cassa and Vemasse should occur as soon as possible. This could be done simultaneously when the government officially secures the two sites. The Municipalities would also provide the PPIP consultant with the list of potential sites for the transfer stations, to which the consultant will carry out site observations and recommendations accordingly.

Workshop, 6th October 2022

COWI Project Director and PPIP Team Leader travel to Timor-Leste

The COWI Project Director, Mr. Michael Jacobsen and PPIP Team Leader, Mr. Chris Manu completed a mission to Timor Leste from 12th August 2022 to 19th August 2022. This mission coincided with the mission of the EIB Representative to the Pacific, Mr. Benoit Cambier.

The objectives of the mission were to (i) dialogue with key stakeholders on the selected potential investment projects in the solid waste management, water supply and sanitation and forestry sectors; with particular focus on water supply and sanitation investment projects given the challenges identified during the March mission (ii) participate in the third Project Steering Committee Meeting (iii) review the project status and future planned activities with the Project Coordinator, Mr Kassius Klei Ximenes, the EIB representative Mr. Benoit Cambier and the PPIP team.

Mr. Michael Jacobsen, Mr. Benoit Cambier and Mr. Chris Manu met with the Vice Prime Minister/Minister of Planning and Territory, H.E. Mr. Jose Maria dos Reis; Vice Minister of Agriculture and Fisheries, Dr Abilio Xavier de Araujo and the Vice Minister of Finance, Mr. Antonio Freitas, as well as the President of Bee Timor Leste and President of ANAS to update on project preparation activities and progress on investment projects.

The mission also met with European Union Delegation (EUD) and development partners to discuss interest in collaborating with EIB on project investments.

The key mission findings include:


The Ministry of Finance, Mr Rui Gomes emphasised the Government of Timor Leste’s desire to diversify its International Financing Investment portfolio.

The EIB reiterated that its strategic aims are aligned with the EUD regional priorities through close collaboration in support of the Forestry sector.

Solid Waste Management Sector

PPIP TA activities in solid waste management have continued as planned. The team expects to deliver two pre-feasibility study reports by the end of the year. The mission was informed of two key issues, which require a government decision, namely:

  • The identification of municipal appointed focal points to work with the PPIP TA team to determine sites for landfill, transfer stations and other solid waste management-related infrastructure.
  • The choice between two alternatives for a deposit return scheme, the implementation of which has been agreed upon in principle by the Government.

Water Supply & Sanitation Sector

The PPIP TA team described the analysis of the difference between the studies produced under the Government Master Plans and what will be needed for EIB Financing.

The PPIP TA team recommended providing a “gaps analysis” following EIB feasibility processes to inform the BTL consultant undertaking the detailed design. The decision to include the ESIA/RAP as a part of the PPIP grant work has been deferred by the Third Project Steering Committee meeting until the relevant Government organisations in the water and sanitation sector can convene and decide if this approach is appropriate.

Forestry Sector

The previous Forestry Key Expert Stephen Midgley was interchanged by the new Forestry Key Expert, Mr Joerg Albrecht, who started in May 2022 and was in Timor-Leste on a Mission in June and July 2022.

The mission took the opportunity to speak with Mr. Ramon Reigada, Ms. Doerthe Wacker, and Mr. Severin Mellac from EUD and agreed to close cooperation between the EUD, EIB and the PPIP TA.

3rd PPIP Project Steering Committee Meeting, 17th August 2022
Meeting with Vice Minister of MAP, Dr. Abilio Xavier de Araujo, 18th August 2022

List of meetings and site visits conducted:

EU Delegation15/08/2022Introductory meetingEUD Office Palm Business Center
Ministry of Public Works, BTL, ANAS15/08/2022Introductory meetingMinistry of Public Works
Ministry of Planning and Territory16/08/2022Introductory Meeting with the Vice Prime Minister/ Minister of Planning and Territory; Jose Maria Dos Reis/ PPIP GoTL Coordinator Kassius Klei XimenesOffice of the Vice Prime Minister
Ministry of Finance16/08/2022Introductory meeting with the Vice Minister of Finance, Antonio FreitasMinistry of Finance
Bee Timor Leste17/08/2022Introductory meeting with the president BTL, Carlos dos ReisOffice of the President BTL
MPO17/08/2022Dinner with Kassius Klei Ximenes (as he will be travelling to Baucau)Restaurant – Tito’s
Ministry of State Administration18/08/2022Introductory meeting with the Director General MSA (Minister MSA unavailable)MSA
Ministry of Agriculture and Fisheries18/08/2022Introductory meeting with the Vice Minister of Agriculture and Fisheries Abilio Xavier de Araujo (Minister and DG Raimundo Maus in Kupang, Indonesia)MAP, Comoro
Mission Dinner18/08/2022Mission dinner with COWI team, Benoit Cambier, and MPO (represented by Joao Jeronimo Pereira)Aroma Cafe
Benoit Cambier19/08/2022DebriefingHotel Timor

Third Project Steering Committee Meeting

17th August 2022: Today, the Third Project Steering Committee (PSC) meeting of the European Union (EU) funded and European Investment Bank (EIB) managed Project Preparation and Implementation Programme (PPIP)[1] was held at the Ministry of Planning and Territory.

The meeting was opened by His Excellency the Vice Prime Minister and Minister of Planning and Territory, Eng Jose Maria dos Reis who mentioned the following “The Ministry of Planning and Territory’s main role is to facilitate TL-PPIP team, relevant ministries and other key stakeholders to achieve a productive progress of the project. A decision was made during the second PSC meeting last February, where COWI Consultant should proceed to the pre-feasibility study phase with the provided and approved project fiches. In this 3rd PSC Meeting, we will discuss the studies encompassing all 3 sectors currently under development by COWI consultant throughout the pre-feasibility stage, and we shall come up with solutions and decisions.”

The Representative of the European Union to Timor-Leste, Head of Cooperation, Mr Ramon Reigada, mentioned that “the Government of Timor-Leste is working very hard with various big projects, such as the MCC project, ADB and WB projects, but I believe there is a place and scope for the European Investment Bank to invest in this country. EIB is a public institution, but unlike ADB and WB, the EIB, as the Bank of the European Union, has a different picture and approach. The EU delegation is looking forward to the result of this meeting.”

Mr Michael Jacobsen, COWI Project Director, provided a summary of the PPIP activities on the three sectors (namely Water, Forestry and Solid waste) as well as the expected outcomes from the Third project Steering Committee meeting. He introduced Mr Chris Manu as TL-PPIP’s new Team Leader, who will permanently reside in Dili, and Mr Jörg Albrecht as the new Forestry Key Expert.

The EIB Representative for the Pacific, Mr Benoit Cambier, commented that “I am pleased to be able to visit Timor-Leste and represent the European Investment Bank at the Third PSC meeting. The EIB has just opened an office in the Pacific this year and is now based in the region. I am happy to witness the progress since the second Project Steering Committee meeting in February 2022, when the committee selected six fiches for the Pre-feasibility Study. However, some issues need to be addressed, including the need for an alignment of the scope, timing, the processes and various initiatives in the three sectors, to look for synergies and complementarities and avoid overlaps of work. The EIB, the European Union’s bank, is one of the main instruments for cooperation and development when it comes to investment. Jointly with the EU, the EIB is looking forward to supporting the government of Timor-Leste in co-financing and implementing the future investment projects that the PIPP will deliver. Without any doubts, those projects will contribute to the development of the nation and the well-being of its citizens.”

Participants in the third PSC meeting

The Third PSC meeting welcomed the presence of Mr Benoit Cambier, Representative for the Pacific, European Investment Bank (EIB), for his first visit to Timor-Leste. This meeting was joined by Mr Michael Jacobsen, COWI Project Director and the PPIP Team Leader, Mr Chris Manu. The meeting was chaired by H.E., the Vice Prime Minister and Minister of Planning and Territory, Eng Jose Maria dos Reis. The meeting was attended by H.E. Mr José Maria dos Reis, Vice Prime Minister and Minister of Ministry of Planning and Territory; H.E. Mr Joaquim Amaral, Coordinating Minister of Economic Affairs; H.E. Mr Miguel Pereira de Carvalho, Minister of State Administration; H.E. Mr Rui Gomes, Minister of Finance; H.E. Dr Abilio Xavier de Araujo, Vice Minister of Agriculture and Fisheries; H.E. Mr Abel Pires da Silva, Minister of Public Works; Mr Ramon Reigada, Head of Cooperation, EUD to Timor-Leste; Mr Benoit Cambier, Representative for the Pacific, EIB; as well as other representatives from the Government of Timor-Leste, the EIB, the EU, and the PPIP Consultant COWI.

[1] The Project Preparation and Implementation Programme for Timor-Leste is an EIB executed technical assistance operation which is financed from the European Development Fund, under the Investment Facility for the Pacific (IFP) and under the Cotonou Agreement.

Photos from the 3rd PSC Meeting held 17th August 2022.

About the PPIP

The PPIP is an EU-funded and EIB-managed project to assist the Government of Timor-Leste in the identification, preparation and implementation of technically, financially, economically, environmentally, and socially sound investment projects in three sectors of Water Supply, Sanitation and Drainage; Solid Waste Management and Forestry. PPIP will identify potential fiches in the three sectors, conduct prefeasibility studies for six projects (two per sector) and then complete three feasibility studies (one per sector). At the end of the feasibility studies, it is envisaged that the Government of Timor-Leste will take out loans from EIB to fund the three investment projects.

About the project Steering Committee of the PPI Programme
The Ministry of Planning and Territory chairs the Project Steering Committee of the PPIP. The Government of Timor-Leste is also represented in the PSC by the Ministry of Foreign Affairs and Cooperation, the Ministry of Finance, the Ministry of State Administration, the Ministry of Public Works, Bee Timor-Leste, and the Ministry of Agriculture and Fisheries.

About the European Union
The European Union (EU) is a unique economic and political union between 27 European countries that cover much of the continent together. The predecessor of the EU – The European Coal and Steel Community – was created in the aftermath of the Second World War and was built on the understanding that countries that trade with one another become economically interdependent and, therefore, more likely to avoid conflict. In Timor-Leste, the EU is the second largest donor of development aid (grant funding). The EU is committed to supporting Timor-Leste’s 2011-2030 Strategic Development plan, which aims to transform Timor-Leste into an upper-middle-income country by 2030 based on rapid, inclusive growth enabling it to improve infrastructure, worker skills, education, training and health systems, and combat poverty and malnutrition. The EU assistance focuses on green and sustainable economic recovery and development, rural development, good governance for sustainable development and gender equality.

About the European Investment Bank

The European Investment Bank (EIB) is the long-term lending institution of the European Union owned by its Member States. It makes long-term finance available for sound investment in order to contribute towards EU policy goals. Financing projects that help strengthen the economic, social and territorial cohesion of the European Union has been at the heart of EIB operations since its foundation in 1958.

EIB Global is the EIB Group’s new specialised arm dedicated to increasing the impact of international partnerships and development finance. EIB Global is designed to foster strong, focused partnership within Team Europe, alongside fellow development finance institutions and civil society. EIB Global brings the Group closer to local people, companies and institutions through its offices around the world, including in the Pacific.

For more information, please contact:

Mr Chris Manu, PPIP Team Leader

Key Expert for Forestry Travels to Timor-Leste

The PPIP Key Forestry Expert, Mr. Jörg Albrecht completed an initial mission to Timor Leste from the 6th of June 2022 to the 13th of July 2022.

Mr. Albrecht held meetings with key Project stakeholders and introduced the pre-feasibility studies on the projects PFS1 (commercial tree planting and carbon farming) and PFS2 (watershed management and livelihood improvement) to national and municipal authorities. He met, among others, the Secretary of State for the Environment, Mr Demétrio do Amaral de Carvalho, the Director General of Forestry, Coffee and Industrial Plants (DGFCIP), Mr Raimundo Mau, the Director General of Agriculture, Ms Odete Do Ceu Guterres. The DG FCIP installed a Prefeasibility Study Focus Group to discuss issues on the two agreed-upon forestry fiches. The PFS Focus Group met twice during the mission and discussed procedures and observations.

Mr Jorge Albrecht met with representatives of MAF Forestry and the PPIP National Forestry Expert, Dr Domingos Cairesi Bendito Beremau Gomes, and visited the catchment areas of Irabere and Loes and the primary forest plantation areas in Covalima. He met with the Municipality Presidents and provided power point presentations on the objectives of the PPIP project.

The first mission results confirm favorable conditions for the future project: A supportive comprehensive legal and strategic framework is available, and in general, TL offers good growing conditions for trees. The heads of Municipalities ensured their interest and cooperation in the projects in general and forest restoration and carbon farming in particular. Preliminarily, various investment needs were identified during the PFS mission which are key for the forestry sector to achieve its objectives and targets:

  • Forest Management and Information System (FMIS), forest inventories
  • Enhanced participatory Land-use Planning (PLUP)
  •  Increased number field personnel (currently very limited for the management level) in general and of specialists in particular (Sustainable Forest Management, Forest inventories, Forest genetic resources, Carbon trading, Forest Products Processing, Forest research, …)
  • Land tenure dispute resolution and boundary demarcation
  • (Re-)forestation action plan (TL Draft Forestry Sector Development Plan 2019-30) (facing implementation challenges)
  • Forest landscape restoration for stabilizing slopes, protecting watersheds (only few initiatives)
  • Watershed Councils (not present in Itabere nor in Mota Loes) 
  • Applied research (species and provenance trials, increment/volume, treatments)
  • Central nurseries
  • Seed Sources
  • Private sector strengthening: There is little added value on timber and non-timber products due to little readiness or possibilities to invest in modern equipment for processing (missing access to suitable credit systems)
  • High transport costs for timber and non-timber forest products

The next mission is planned for October/November focusing on field assessments and surveys in identified priority sucos in Irabere and Loes watershed areas and Covalima.

DGFCIP Focus Group, 15th June 2022.
Meeting with the President of Covalima, Mr. Francisco de Andrade, 7th July 2022.
Meeting with the Director of the Bamboo Institute, Tibar, Mr. Anito Matos, 10th June 2022.
Meeting with the president of municipal Bobonaro, Mr. Ernesto de Oliveira Barreto, 6th July 2022

PPIP SWM Workshop Sanitary Landfill Site Selection

The Project Preparation & Implementation Programme for Timor-Leste (PPIP) Key Expert for Solid Waste Management, Mr Jan Skajaa, conducted a workshop on 3 June 2022 regarding the selection of sites for transfer stations and two regional sanitary landfills that are proposed to be established as part of the PPIP investment programme. The workshop was attended by representatives from the following municipalities Lautem, Baucau, Manatutu, Covalima, Ainaro, and Manufahi, in addition to representatives of National Directorate for Spatial Organisation under the Ministry of Planning and Territory (DNOE/MPO), and the National Directorate for Urban Organisation under Ministry of State Administration (DNOU/MAE), the National Authority for Water and Sanitation (ANAS I.P).

Mr Jan Skajaa provided an overview of the PPIP project mentioning that the project was currently in the prefeasibility stage. The PPIP Project Steering Committee has approved the following two sub-projects in the solid waste sector:

  • Integrated Solid Waste Management collection, transport, and disposal for Timor-Leste outside of Dili;
  • Healthcare Risk Waste Management for Timor Leste.

The focus of this workshop was the identification of two proposed suitable sites for the proposed regional sanitary landfills; one being in the east of the country and the other being in the south. As sanitary landfills are quite expensive to construct and operate, and the population of individual municipalities outside of Dili is too small to sustain individual landfills, therefore two regional sanitary landfills are proposed to supplement the existing new landfill at Tibar. The municipalities which will not have a sanitary landfill will be equipped with transfer stations to transport the waste to the sanitary landfill. Mr Jan Skajaa requested the participating municipalities to identify up to three possible locations for each of the two sanitary landfill sites, in addition to sites for transfer stations. The selection of the three locations for each of the two landfills will involve the municipal authorities in concert with MPO and then analysed by COWI which will then recommend one site for each landfill.

Two new regional landfills (to supplement the new landfill in Tibar):

  1. Located near Baucau, covering the municipalities of Manatuto, Baucau, Lautem, Viqueque. The land area needed is 10-15 ha which will cover the need for 25 years.
  2. Located near Ainaro, covering the municipalities of Manufahi, Ainaro, Covalima. The land area needed is 8-10 ha which will cover the need for 25 years

The existing sanitary landfill in Tibar will service the remaining municipalities.

Mr Jan Skajaa presented main considerations for selecting locations for landfills including:

  • The distances to residential and recreation areas, waterways, water bodies, and other agricultural or urban sites
  • The existence of groundwater, coastal water, or nature protection zones in the area
  • The geological and hydrogeological conditions in the area
  • The risk of flooding, subsidence, landslides, or avalanches on the site
  • The protection of natural or cultural patrimony in the area.

Mr Jan Skajaa commented that the results of the workshop identified no opposition among participants regarding the concept of 1) local recycling stations, 2) municipal transfer stations, and 3) regional landfills. The municipalities announced that they were ready to discuss this further at local meetings with the COWI Consultants. Mr Jan Skajaa hopes that the selection of sites for landfills and transfer stations can be concluded quickly allowing for a quick evaluation and final selection of construction sites.

Photo of a Sanitary Landfill under construction

PPIP SWM Workshop on Deposit Return Scheme for Timor-Leste

The Project Preparation & Implementation Programme for Timor-Leste (PPIP) Key Expert for Solid Waste Management, Mr Jan Skajaa, conducted a workshop on 2 June 2022 regarding the proposal for a Deposit Return Scheme (DRS) for Timor-Leste. The workshop was attended by representatives from MPO, DNOV/MAE, ANAS, NDPC, SEA, ANLA, Ministry of Health, and Ministry of Finance.

Mr Jan Skajaa presented the proposed DRS scheme for Timor-Leste. A DRS is a system whereby consumers buying a product pay an additional amount of money (a deposit) on top of the product price that will be reimbursed upon the return of the packaging or product to a collection point. A DRS will provide a very strong incentive for consumers to return the product/packaging to a collection point hereby reducing mismanagement or illegal dumping. Based on the principles of Extended Producer Responsibility, a DRS provides the means for a low-cost and highly effective collection system for target materials/products, which moreover is easily monitored and enforced.

Mr Skajaa provided two alternative options for the organisation of the collection, transport, and ultimate reuse/recycling/management of beverage containers.

In the first alternative, consumers take the empty containers back to the original vendor where the deposit is refunded in cash. The vendors are obliged to take back the empty containers and from them the containers are collected by a centrally established organization.

In the second alternative, consumers must take the empty containers to a designated Deposit Return Station, where the deposit is refunded via smartphone app or directly onto consumers bank account. A central organization maintains the Deposit Return Stations and collects and transport the containers for processing/recycling.

Both alternatives will require some regulatory adjustments and the establishment of a central organisation that will manage the system and process containers. This organisation may be a government-owned entity, or the operation may be tendered to a private concessionaire.

The expected main effects of introducing a DRS for Timor-Leste are that more than 100 million plastic bottles a year will be collected and managed properly – and therefore not contribute to the pollution of the environment. A DRS will also provide new jobs and business opportunities.

Financing of investments under the proposed DRS scheme is anticipated to take place by a combination of government grants and IFI loans/grants, including contributions from the EIB. Operational costs are to be covered by the industry and from revenues obtained from selling recyclable materials.

Details of financing and operation of the proposed scheme are to be developed under the current PPIP programme and presented in reports due by the end of 2022 and 2023.

The participants welcomed very much the presentation and acknowledged that actions are needed to battle plastic waste. The proposed system was seen as a good solution but there were concerns regarding the organization structure to manage the scheme and also the necessary legislation required. Further development of the proposed system is needed and presented in practical details and adapted to Timorese conditions.

On a final note, Mr Jan Skajaa noted that currently, 10 US states, Canada’s largest provinces, Australia, Germany, the Netherlands, all of the Nordic countries, some east-European countries, Israel, some pacific states, and other countries/regions have successfully implemented a deposit return scheme (DRS), mainly for beverage containers. He is confident that this scheme can be adapted to the Timor-Leste conditions and would be of great benefit to winning the battle against waste.

PPIP Participation in the Europe Day Fair held on 27th & 28th May 2022 

The Project Preparation & Implementation Programme for Timor-Leste (PPIP) recently took part in the Europe Day fair on the 27th and 28th May 2022 at the Timor Plaza. This 2-day fair event was organised by the European Union in Timor-Leste with the objective of show-casing the European Union and Timor-Leste cooperation and partnership for over twenty years. The President of the Democratic Republic of Timor-Leste, H.E. José Ramos Horta, jointly with the Ambassador of the European Union to Timor-Leste, H.E. Andrews Jacobs opened the two days fair. 

The event was a great opportunity to disseminate information about the PPIP to the general public and other interested organisations. Over 6000 people were reported to have attended the 2 day event, with many others joining via online streaming/facebook from the European Union Delegation in Timor Leste. 

The President of the Democratic Republic of Timor Leste, H.E. Jose Ramos Horta and the Ambassador of the European Union to Timor Leste, H.E. Andrew Jacobs also visited the PPIP stand. 

Promoting its green credentials, the PPIP provided visitors a paperless experience, namely a short presentation of the project provided on a large screen television. Furthermore, visitors could access the PPIP website by using smartphones and the QR code provided. 

On the 28th June 2022, the PPIP Deputy Team Leader, Mr Kong Kiong Mu provided a 10 minute presentation of PPIP, and was supported in translation by PPIP Consultant, Mr Olivio Dos Santos.   

H .E. José Ramos Horta, jointly with the Ambassador of the European Union to Timor-Leste, H.E. Andrews Jacobs opened the two days fair 
The President of the Democratic Republic of Timor-Leste, H.E. José Ramos Horta visited PPIP booth and meeting the PPIP Deputy Team Leader, Mr Kong Kiong Mu 
The President of the Democratic Republic of Timor-Leste, H.E. José Ramos Horta discusses PPIP activities with the Ministry of Planning and Territory, Advisor Mr Joao Pereira Jeronimo, PPIP Consultant, Mr Olivio Dos Santos and PPIP NKE Water and Sanitation, Ms Maria Helena Almeida de Jesus. 
Visitors scanning QR code using smartphones to get more information about PPIP project